Love is a weapon of mass construction.
Grandma Henriette Nzuji Ntumba
Grandma Henrietta
Mamie Henriette Nzuji Ntumba founded the Immigrant Grannies organization in 2002.
Henriette was a model, of a woman, of an immigrant woman.
Always positive, always upright, always oriented towards the future.
Mamies Immigrantes
La vie continue!
Mamie Henriette had already in her native country Congo embraced the cause of the poorest, marginalized women and the widows... When she arrived here in Quebec, she quickly saw how vulnerable older immigrant women were and she devoted the rest of her life to it.
As in Africa, we recreate a world around grannies who find a sense of belonging and usefulness this way. After all, our aging is our talent!
Grandma Henriette
Welcoming, Listening, Breaking isolation,
Home visit, Moral support.
Information, Training, Education.
Orientation of members
to resource organizations.
Intercultural encounters,
Guided tours, picnics...
Group outings
Collective kitchens
Théâtre Forum
Tailoring: Handicrafts, Weathering.
Tales from Africa and elsewhere.
Sketches (Theater)
Babysitting service for children
Home babysitting service
- Respite for caregivers
Board games from here and elsewhere.